This little lady is FIVE months old! I am loving this age, Addie is so much fun and such a joy to have around. I can finally get her laughing and it is music to my ears! Here is what Addie has been up to this month:
Sitting up on her own
Sometimes we cheat and use a pillow to help
Enjoying tummy time for longer than 30 seconds at a time! She still won't roll over from her tummy to her back since she did it 2 months ago but is dangerously close to rolling from back to tummy...go figure!
Wearing cute new dresses
I just love her rosy, chubby cheeks
Preparing for her 1st Christmas
Addie thinks looking in the mirror and seeing me and her is the greatest thing ever. I can always get a smile out of her by holding her up to a mirror. The other day I put her bumbo on the counter while I got ready and she kept looking at me and then at herself in the mirror and then back at me etc... it was so dang funny! She did it for a good 15 minutes straight!
Drumroll please....I finally got a real smile on camera and not once but twice! I was so happy to have a pic to prove that this little girlie does in fact smile!
Christmas came early for Adds in the form of a jumperoo. I decided to let her use it early since I wanted to get my moneys worth. She is still getting use to it and doesn't get the jumping thing quite yet, but she likes to sit in there and watch the lights and grab things. She is still a little too short for it so she stands on my wii fit board (so glad it is getting used)!
We were married on 5/25/07. We have two beautiful children, Addison and Logan. They are our whole world. Nephi works as an Admissions Officer for Strayer University and recently started working on his MBA. I stay home with our two little crazies and wouldn't have it any other way!
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