Friday, March 18, 2011

Lucky number {eight}

I guess it would be cooler if she was turning seven months on St. Patrick's Day, but Addison turned 8 months old yesterday.  The months just keep flying by!  The only green that Addie has is her green pants in the picture below and I don't love green enough to buy something just for the holiday so this is it!

She loves playing our bed, she gets so giddy everything

Green ruffle bum...gotta love it!

Addie has decided she doesn't want anything on her head and sabotages every effort I make to put a cute headband on her head.  She usually has it off within 10 seconds and it drives me nuts.  She isn't allowed to wear them in the car anymore cuz she grabs them, chews on them, and destroys them...not cool!

Case and point!

She loves to help me with the laundry

She mastered the pincher grasp and is a pro at feeding herself little puff snacks.  She would eat them all day if I let her!

Loves playing in the tub, but she sure hates being cold when she gets out

She is way too big for her swing, it is so funny to see her in it!

She is obsessed with eating ice in this little feeder.  She goes to town and I love her bright red face from the ice!

We started  going to a class once a week at My Gym.  Addie does all kinds of things like swings, trains, ball pits, trampolines, trapeze swinging, high bars, etc.  It is a lot of fun!  She is obsessed with the swings, so excited for swinging at parks this summer!

Rockin her new umbrella stroller

Cutie pie in her jeggings!

Addie loves to stick her tongue out...all the time!
She still has no interest in crawling and no teeth.
She learned how to clap and does it all the time now.  She usually has one hand open and the other fist closed when she cute!
She can wave bye-bye if she really wants to

Love my little lucky charm!

1 comment:

JD and Alicia said...

So glad you posted about My Gym, it sounds so fun! We are looking into a class.