Sunday, April 28, 2013

Logan Turns 1

My baby is one!  Man that went fast.  This past year has definitely had its ups and downs.  I went from thinking that Logan was a really difficult baby (he really wasn't now that I look back) to feeling like he is the easiest little boy ever.  Largely due to the fact that he is still not crawling.  Yes it stresses me out to no end, but he is so happy and content and his doctors aren't concerned and say we just have to wait for him to get it.  Yeah, that is probably the hardest prescription to follow!  He has definitely taught me patience this last year and that no matter how much of a control freak I am I have to let him be him and know that he will do things on his own time table!  This past month Logan has discovered a love for mimicking.  Not so much words but sounds, especially coughs and squeals.  If he coughs and you react or make a coughing sound back he will get the biggest grin and continue to do it over and over as long as you cooperate!  He loves to jabber and squeal, but isn't really saying any words yet.  Logan has definitely learned what he wants and how to get it.  He has started throwing fits over nothing and is starting to get bugged by Addie messing with him or taking things from him.  Although he isn't crawling, he is moving all over the place by rolling and scooting around backwards.  He will roll into the wall and just hang out there rubbing his arms and feet against it.  He is so content, I don't picture him ever crawling.  Also he has finally decided he likes standing and will stand when you hold him up.  That took a long time to do.  He is absolutely obsessed with books.  He will sit and read book for a good chunk of time and they always calm him down when he's mad.  He is still a fish in the water and loves to kid and splash.  I get soaked every time, I think he is going to love the pool this summer!

His 12 month stats:
Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz - 30%
Length: 28.9 in - 25%
Head: 19 in - 90%
Yes his head is ginormous, he is a smarty pants for sure :)  I was surprised he was only in the 30% for weight, he seems a lot chunkier and heavier than most kids his age, but it is because of his weight distribution.  He is really short so he feels heavier than a longer thinner kid who weighs more.  One of these days he will thin out when he decides he wants to move.  

 Surprisingly he still loves his jumper and will spend quite a bit of time in there
 One thing Logan has started doing, which I do not love, is running his dirty hands through his hair when he is done eating.  This particular night was spaghetti and it was a nightmare to clean up.  He doesn't like hanging out in his highchair, the second the food is gone he wants out or else he starts making messes!
 Loves riding in the cart, especially when he gets to stare at Addie.  Thank you Target for having these "special carts" as Addie calls them.

 Switched from formula to whole milk a little after 11 months, I was so done buying formula.  He loves milk and drinks it much better than he did his formula, the fact that it is much cheaper makes me a happy mommy! Now if we can just get him to switch to a sippy cup.
 This picture of Logan in the swing, captures his personality perfectly.  Not even attempting to sit up or put forth any effort.  He is just along for the ride and wants to have everything done for him!  So easy going this little one.
 Proof of his love for books.  He is pretty darn cute!

Having Addie read to him is also a fav.  I love when they play together and he just idolizes her.
Logan is still my amazing eater.  It is so nice that he will eat whatever I make for dinner.  His current favorites are avocado, he will seriously eat an entire one himself, grapes (finally they are starting to taste good), strawberries, cottage cheese and pasta.  He will even eat cold peas from a can, seriously where did he come from.  This pic is showing how entertained he is by airplane eating, he gets so excited he hardly handle it!  
Logan will put his binky in before he eats and then when the food comes he will gets his fists full and hold it up at his mouth trying to get it in.  It will be a good 5 minutes before he decides to take out his binky.  He seriously blows me away with his laid back, care free attitude.  But we sure love this little boy and wouldn't change a thing about him.  He is so sweet and becoming a momma's boy and he just melts my hearts.  We are so blessed to have in our lives.  

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