Christmas was so great this year. We spent Christmas Eve with Phi's family and had a lot of fun with them. Then we slept over night at my parents house and had Christmas day with them. Tim and Jessica slept over also, so everyone was together Christmas morning, minus Kevies of course. We got to talk to him and I loved every second of it. He is such a wonderful missionary. He is so focused and is not interested in hearing anything of the world or anything that might be the least bit distracting to him he is such a great servant of the Lord and I am so proud of him and miss him so much. He has hit his 1 year mark and I hope the second year goes just as fast. I am excited to have him home next Christmas it will be so great! After opening gifts I cracked open my cocoa latte machine that Crystal gave us for Christmas and it is so great. It makes a pretty good cup of hot cocoa! We had a nice breakfast and then later on had a wonderful dinner. We went and saw a movie also. I loved spending time with our families and friends. As you can see from the pics, I was in no hurry to get out of my pj's on Christmas!
Showin off my rock side with guitar hero world tour. We got a wii for Christmas and it is quite possibly the most fun thing ever!

Finally dressed and ready for a Christmas pic!

The blizzard expected for Christmas day did not show up until that night and Crystal got really excited!
At Sam's Club Crystal just couldn't resist trying out the pillow mound. It was just one of those days where everything was funny and we were acting really immature. If you were there you would have thought it was hilarious. Crystal was laughing so hard she had to run to the bathroom to prevent an accident.

Temple Square

Some of my wonderful fam members

Crystal and Nephi making a new friend!
My new bed and bedding. My parents gave us new bedding to go with our new bed and I was so excited to put it all together that I did not even take the time to iron it, which I know it desperately needs. Oh well, I am just so happy to finally have a cute bedroom set!
Our beautiful tree with the new tree topper addition. A little spazzy and different, but I absoltuely love it! I think the tree turned out great this year and I spent hours on wrapping the presents. I love a nicely wrapped gift!
About all the Christmas decorations I have...not much but enough for us!
This was a few days before Christmas but I just forgot to post. Last Tuesday I had to work and Nephi didn't and he surprised me with a dinner. He made new york steak, that I am not kidding tasted gourmet, and cheesy veggies. He also got marinelli's sparkling cider and a box of chocolate for dessert. The poinsetta was also from him I just love poinsettas. Nephi is such a sweetheart and I am so lucky to have him in my life.

Finally dressed and ready for a Christmas pic!

The blizzard expected for Christmas day did not show up until that night and Crystal got really excited!

Temple Square

Some of my wonderful fam members