Sunday, May 24, 2009

Life After Graduation!

When you graduate it is inevitable that people will ask if you if you have found a job and what you are doing with your life, I just wish I had something more exciting to say, like a great job or other big plans, but instead I have to say I have no idea and no job prospects. When planning for my future after college I didn't factor in the economy, dang economy. So I am still working at my student job at an elementary school through the end of the school year and will be unemployed in about a week and a half. I am kind of starting to freak out because I check for jobs everyday and have applied for some, but there is just crap right now to apply for. I want so badly to work as a social worker, but am facing the fact that it will probably not happen. I miss the days of summer when I could play all summer and didn't have to work...maybe I will just bring that back this summer! Other than the need for a job looming over my head I have really been enjoying my free time and summer. It is so nice being done with work at 3:30 and then having the rest of the day to do whatever I want! Here are some of the things that I have been doing:

  • Going to the gym everyday and loving it.
  • Working on my cooking skills. Since I got my kitchenaid I have been inspired to try new things and play with my toy. I have made bannana bread, pizza crust for pizzas, snowball cookies, and much else. Phi makes fun of me because I use it to mix french toast mix, but it is just so much fun. We have actually been eating real meals at home now that I don't have my internship at nights anymore. I really do love to cook when I have the time.
  • Spending more time with Phi
  • Looking for a new apartment..we are in the works and hope to be in a new place by mid June! I am so excited to have more space and washer/dryer hookups it has gone on too long not having them!
  • Going to Weddings and spending time with friends
  • Spending time with my fam
  • Going to Missouri. We got home a week ago from Kansas City. We went to visit Nephi's grandparents and some other family members. I will hopefully post about that and get some pictures up sometime this week. The highlight of that trip was that I got to see my bro Kevies on his mission. It was so great to meet up with him, it has been a year and a half since I had seen him, and it was so great to take him and his comp out to lunch.
  • Playing my wii. I like to buy the old school nintendo games like super mario brothers for the first nintendo and super nintendo...nothing compares to those!
  • Catching up on my Tv shows and watching season finales, and yes I bawled like a baby during Grey's Anatomy season finale I absolutely love that show.
  • I bought a bike! Nephi has had one for two years and I haven't had one so either he would ride it or I would ride his, but now I have one and taking bike rides together is the greatest thing ever! I want to ride my bike everyday.

All in all my summer has started off pretty great. I know that in time the right job will come along for me and it will all be fine. I will enjoy the time off while I can because I know it won't last long. I will try and post about my trip to Missouri soon.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I know how you feel about the whole job thing. I am in the same boat and it is not fun! I just keep thinking that it will all work out and until then...I am going to live it up and enjoy the summer! Sounds like you are doing the same! Good luck with everything!