Sunday, May 31, 2009

Nephi's work puts together a softball league every year and we always look forward to it. Nephi loves to play and gets way into it and I love to watch him play and socialize with the other wives who watch. I kind of wish I had played this year, but when they get all competitive I am grateful I am not out there. They had their first game on Friday and barely managed a win. We ar excited for the rest of the season.

Nephi played different positions. Here he is doing a sweet job of pitching to our friend Stephanie. I wanted to get a pic of him wearing the way funny hitting helmet but when you are sitting behind the batter it is hard to get their pic!

As you can see we have already had a lot of fun this summer. The most exciting new is that we are moving on June 13th and we are super excited. We have lived in our current apartment for two years and have absolutely loved it and have so many memories here, but we are ready for a change and an upgrade. Our new place is much newer, bigger, has w & d hookups (yes I have lived for two years without them, hence the move), 1.5 bath instead of just one, covered parking, and a much bigger kitchen with room to have a table (currently our table is half on the kitchen tile half on the carpet, ghetto I kno) and just better. We are thrilled, but I am kind of overwhelmed with the prospect of moving. We have acquired a ton of stuff in our short two years of marriage! I will post pics of our new place once we get settled in! Hope everyone is having as much fun this summer as we are!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

haha is the he/she still on nephis team?!