Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Missing Cache Valley

You would think after 2.5 months of living in Layton I would be adjusted by now, but the truth is I am homesick for Logan. It is kind of funny because when I first moved to Logan for school I didn't really care for it and had been there like once before in my life. I always thought I would finish up school and get out of there. It was too small town and cut off from the world up there. Not to mention the mall is pathetic and there is no Target! When I graduated it wasn't an option to move away because Phi was still in school and had a good job so instead I commuted to Ogden for almost a year. Let's just say that in that year of commuting to Ogden I grew to appreciate Logan more and more! I was finally starting to consider it home and both Nephi and I would have loved to have stayed forever. So you can imagine how tough it was for me when within one weeks time Phi had gotten a new job and we moved. It all happened so fast and I feel like there were so many people I never got to say goodbye to and places I didn't get to visit one last time. I miss so many things about cache valley some of those things are:

-my AMAZING ward which I loved and had so many friends in. i don't think i will ever find another ward like the University 63rd!

-my apartment that was way nicer and cheaper than my current abode...what's up with that?!

-my neighbors and many friends...everyone in logan just seems more friendly, i haven't even met my next door neighbor here

-the fact that everything was 5 minutes away and i could literally walk to Sam's Club and Costa Vida

-being able to shop the clearance racks at the mall because no one pays full price for anything

-Fall in Logan and the beautiful changing colors. I have missed seeing Sardine Canyon and I hope the colors are still vibrant this weekend when we go!

-all the community events, there is always something going on. I am excited to go to the pumpkin walk this saturday, it is one of my favorite things about fall in Logan!

-all the factories: cheese, pepperidge farms, caspers, creamies

-usu campus

-usu football and basketball games. it will be hard not going to the games this season. i watched the usu vs. byu game and would have given anything to be cheering on our team at the game...what a win!

-the logan temple, it really is stunning

The last five years in Logan have been great and I will always hold a special place in my heart for the memories I have there. It is where me and Phi dated and lived for the first 3 years of our married life and where Addie was born, even if she only lived there for 2 weeks! I just needed to document how great Logan was and hopefully now I can look forward to enjoying where I live now. I am enjoying having a Target and decent shopping around!


JD, Annie and Ellie said...

We miss you too. We are headed to the pumpkin walk this Saturday also. Maybe we will see you there. Oh and there is a ward Halloween party on the 29th you should come.

Kelsey said...

We miss Logan a ton! I felt the same as you when I first moved up, but I was so sad when it came time to leave! Salt Lake is nice cause it's so big but I have no friends down here anymore and our ward definitely can't compare to the 63rd ward!

Aubree Jo said...

EMILY!!! We miss you too! Things just aren't the same ;) I hope that things are going well! It looks like you guys have been up to some fun things!

Shane and McKenzee said...

Awh em that made me so sad!!! But guess what? We're moving too :( I love your little chunky baby I want to see her!