Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thoughts on Motherhood

On this, my first mother's day, all I can think about is how grateful I am to be a mom.  I have always known I wanted to be a mother and there was a period of time where I didn't know if that dream would come true for me.  I had a hard time getting pregnant with Addie and had many sleepless nights worrying I would never be able to have children.  I remember telling myself that I didn't care how miserable pregnancy was, how terrifying the thought of labor was, how many sleepless nights I would have to endure, how difficult motherhood was in general, I wanted it more than anything and would never complain if I could just have a baby.  Now I am a mother, have been for almost ten months now, and it seriously blows my mind.  Some days are more trying than I think I can handle, but then I think back to the days when I pleaded with the Lord for a baby and was willing to give up anything for the opportunity to be a mom and I can't help but smother Addie in kisses and be so grateful to have her in my life.  I will never take her for granted.  The short period of time that I was dealing with infertility is nothing compared to so many other couples trying to start families and my heart breaks for them.  So basically, on this mother's day, I don't really need fancy gifts and special treatment, all I need I already have in the form of a smiley, giggly, loud, toothless, beautiful baby girl.  I am also so grateful for a sweet, beautiful mother who was the perfect example to me of how to be a mother.  I think it takes becoming a mother yourself to truly appreciate all that your mother does for you and the unconditional love that only a mother can have for her child.  Thanks for all that you do and have done for me mom, I love you!  


Annie O Castro said...

well said. i love this post!

JD and Alicia said...

I agree, well said. You are awesome and have an amazing mom! And that Addie is so darn cute!