Thursday, July 21, 2011


Well I made it to my final monthly post of Addie's first year of life.  I don't know how this last year has already come and gone.  There really are no words that could ever adequately describe this past year and the love I have for this little girl!  All I know is I can't imagine life without her.  She has taught me a kind of love I didn't know existed and has taught me so much this past year.  I somehow love every stage more than the last.  I am loving the stage she is in right now.  She is so full of personality it is slightly terrifying to think about her moving into toddler years.  For example, we were shopping at Target the other day and I grabbed some celery and put it by her in the cart and she grabbed it and held it until we got to the register and I had to take it from her to pay for it.  She freaked out and started screaming...over celery seriously...and she had to hold it the whole way home in the car!  I think I can still pull off calling her my baby since she still has the baby look (hardly any hair, still no teeth (should I be worried), and little baby feet).  We have been having so much fun this month with playdates, cherry hill, and spending time with family.
Her 12 month stats:
Length 28.07 inches 27%
Height 19lbs 4.5oz 27%
Head 45.3cm 64%
She might be a little shrimp, but she's perfectly proportionate!
On Addie's actual birthday she had yummy pancakes for breakfast and we played with her new toys before church.  After church we had dinner over at my parents and Addie got to have a cupcake (seriously after cake the day before and then a cupcake she is done with sugar for a while) and celebrate some more!

 She seriously loves books

 Playing in her new tent

 Yummy cupcake

 Pushing around her new baby and stroller
 Birthday shirt from grandma

  Since her birthday was on a Sunday we decided to celebrate some more at Cherry Hill with Crystal on Monday!  We love going to Cherry.

 Still loves watching signing time
First time trying spaghetti, if you can't tell she loved it!

Here are some things about Addie at 12 months:
-she is finally eating more food and willing to try things
-has become such a fast crawler
-loves to pull herself to a standing position
-walks with her walker
-says "banana" but thinks it means all food and says it whenever she sees food
-loves drinking milk but has to have it warm and in a bottle
-is a little begger for food to everyone
-is super ticklish in her armpits
-loves to give hi-5's, wave bye-bye, and shake her head
-loves to blow on her food when she sees me blowing on it
-gives kisses
-she is such a snuggler lately and always wants to lay her head down on me for just a few seconds at time
-LOVES other kids and always want to follow them around and be included

Happy Birthday baby girl we love you!

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